Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Donation

    Well, this is the second time someone has come to me and said, that they want to donate their hair with no warning. I'll  be honest, its a little nerve racking. But the second time was much better then the first. Thankfully my friend Mal had pretty long hair and wanted to keep it as long as possible. She said she had a picture and that's what she wanted but couldn't find the picture... unfortunately. So she did her best to describe what she wanted and we started cutting. She asked for a long a line, with some layers but not stacked, and swoopy bangs to compliment. When we got done cutting she exclaimed that exactly what i wanted!

There are many organizations that will accept hair donations. Before you donate your hair check to see the length requirements, if you can donate previously colored hair and any other stipulations they may have. Usually the length requirement is anywhere between 6-12 inches long. For Locks of Love the requirement is 10 inches, but Pantene is only 8 inches. Choose your organization well.

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