Chapter Seven
1. Briefly describe healthy skin Moist, soft and flexible
2. Name the main divisions of the skin Epidermis and Dermis
3. How is the skin nourished Blood carries nutrients and oxygen to the skin
4. List the three types of nerve fibers found in the skin
a. Motor nerve
b. Sensory nerve
c. Secretory nerve
5. What is collagen? Fiberous protein that gives form and stretch to the skin
6. Name the two types of glands contained within the skin and describe their functions
a. Sudoriferous-sweat
b. Sebaceous- oil
7. What are six important functions of the skin
a. Protect
b. Sensation
c. Heat regulator
d. Excretion
e. Secretion
f. Absorption
8. Define Dermatology The study of skin its nature, functions, structure, disease and treatment
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